Saturday, June 17, 2017

#Grenfelltower What is really going on with Official UK?

There is something very wrong at the #grenfelltower that Official UK is not telling us.

Official UK is no different to Official Ireland. 

They both believe they would have great jobs if it wasn’t for the pesky citizens. Citizens are a nuisance and only exist to provide taxes to pay their wages.

That being said, when a crisis comes along, they are usually very efficient, even if, it is, only as an arse covering exercise.

In the case of #grenfelltower though, the normal efficiency is missing. In this case there seems to be absolutely nothing happening in Officialdom

The council has a list of all the people that are registered as living in the Grenfell Tower. They should have compiled a list of those that are now homeless so that alternative homes (even temporarily) are made available.

No doubt if they established a list of those that are definitely alive and seeking housing and then compared that to the list of registered residents, a clear picture of how many people survived thus indicating how many are dead. Doubtless some people will be on holiday and some are injured and in hospital, all of which can be easily checked.

Where have the residents slept for the past few nights?

Where have they eaten?

Where have they showered?

What toilets have they used?

How have people who are prescribed medicine managed to get this medicine?

How have they managed for money? (Presumably many of them lost all their belongings including bank cards and cheque books, etc).

These are daily occurrences that need to be addressed daily,no matter what the circumstances are.

No organisation is coming forward with any of this information being answered and somehow, I think that’s not going to happen. Why not?

This is in London, per head of population, probably the richest city in the world.

The Queen has visited the site and the Prime Minister has visited (somewhere) and normally the normally efficient arse covering and glory seeking civil servants would be falling over themselves to present themselves, to, the Queen, and the Prime Minister. But no sign of anybody from OFFICIAL UK. Why not?

The BBC are present on the ground, Channel 4 also seem to have cameras there, and still no OFFICIAL UK suits in sight. Again, why not?

What is really going on that nobody in OFFICIAL UK wants to take their slices of their fifteen minutes of fame?

Something is very much not right.

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